Signup For Woodford Now

It's been a while since CWS picked up a barrel, but that is changing. We are arranging a pick with Woodford Reserve. Help us out by signing up for bottles now. Click on the link below to signup for your bottles. Read below for some information. 

Woodford Bottle Signup

Why are we signing up for bottles before they're here? 

We need your help picking out the best option for the group. Woodford offers two products: 1L bottles of Woodford Bourbon, or 750 mL bottles of Woodford Double Oaked Bourbon. Signing up for bottles now helps us decide which option to go with! Additionally, signing up early ensures the demand is there for the bourbon, so the people who pay for the bottles are not stuck with leftover bottles of bourbon the members don't want. 

What happens if I don't sign up but want bottles later, when they arrive? 

Depending on the results of signups, some bottles might be left unclaimed. If that's the case, there will be follow up emails asking for  additional signups. If all bottles are claimed and spoken for, you will have to contact a member who is willing to give up his allocation. Don't delay, SIGN UP NOW!

Do I pay now? 

No. Bottle distribution will happen as before. You can arrange for bottle pickup when the bottles are available. That's also when the payment is due. 

When will the barrel be picked? 

We are currently working with the distillery to arrange the pick and the date. Follow up emails will be sent! 

Can I participate in the pick? 

YES! When the pick date and time is arranged, newsletter email will be sent out to ask for participants signups for the pick event. Signup for the pick if you would like to go! All members are encouraged to participate, as it's always fun and unique experience. However, the number of people allowed to attend is often limited by the distillery. If more people signed up exceed the limit, names will be drawn at random.

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